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3.8" Rugged Handheld
The PWS-450 is a rugged handheld computer featuring a 3.8" transflective WVGA TFT LCD display, and TI AM3715 1G MHz processor. With HSDPA (3.75G), 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth,
barcode and GPS, PWS-450 provides a fully-functional communication device for any outdoor applications. PWS-450 is constructed with an IP65 rating guaranteeing protection
against dirt, dust and water. Driven by a high capacity battery, PWS-450 withstands a 5-foot drop, and can operate in an extreme range of operating temperatures, providing mobility
in any harsh environment. Advantech's PWS-450 is a strong and rugged device for reliable communications in any environment.
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